
Cloud & DevOps with AI Tools (Tech Orda Voucher)

Study alongside the best EPAM practitioners with a 600 000 tenge voucher from the Tech Orda program, fully covering the training cost.
Registration closed
Program start
October 2024
29 weeks

To get into the program, you need to undergo a preliminary competitive selection process.

Cloud & DevOps combines the benefits of cloud computing and DevOps practices to deliver software applications more efficiently, reliably and at scale. Cloud computing uses remote servers and networks to store, manage and process data. DevOps focuses on the collaboration between development and operations teams to enhance software development, deployment and maintenance processes.

This program will provide essential knowledge and practical skills related to Cloud Service and DevOps, covering the best engineering practices, resulting in a productive software development process and product quality.

In 7 months you will:
  • Know the DevOps KPIs, understand the DevOps methodology and keep the development lifecycle efficient
  • Have grounded skills in modern VCSs and Git as one of the most popular ones
  • Use CI/CD tools set effectively, know how to automate the process and ensure quality & safety for continuous compliance
  • Have grounded knowledge of networking concepts and approaches
  • Be able to work with Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platforms (GCP) resources
  • Learn cloud-based solutions that allow companies to scale their business and enhance efficiency
  • Get familiar with the IaC concept using tools such as Terraform and Ansible to automate processes
  • Learn to use DevOps principles in a corporate environment in practice
Benefits of our program:
  • Fundamental knowledge of Cloud & DevOps. The course covers a wide range of essential topics, ensuring you will understand cloud technologies and DevOps practices holistically.
  • Best engineering practices. You will practice and apply skills that meet up-to-date industrial standards alongside EPAM’s leading experts.
  • Hands-on experience. We emphasize practical learning by providing hands-on exercises and real-world scenarios.
What is required for training:
  • English level from B2 (Upper-Intermediate) and higher 
  • Over three years of experience, preferably in a software engineering role or in a technical business-oriented position
  • Expertise in a Modern Programming Language (Java, JavaScript, Python or C#)
  • Compliance with the requirements of Tech Orda
How to get started?
  1. Register on this page by August 15. Once you fill in all the required fields and attach the CV, you will find the confirmation with more details in your mailbox or notifications tab. 
  2. Take an English test available in the "My applications" section. You should complete it within 3 days after your registration date and reach the B2 (Upper-Intermediate) level result to proceed.
  3. Pass a preliminary technical test available in the "My applications" section. You should take it within 8 days after your registration date.
  4. Go through a phone interview with a recruiter. If you pass the tests successfully, we will contact you to ask some general questions.
  5. Sign the documents and complete the verification process by October 11
  6. Start learning onOctober 21

Please check your profile's mailbox regularly to make sure you get all important notifications.

What will you learn?
The program includes 9 theoretical modules:
Software Development Life Cycle and VCS
Advanced System Administration
Amazon Web Services
Infrastructure as Code
DevOps in Enterprise
Please read this additional info before registration
  • You can apply for the EPAM-facilitated program within the Tech Orda initiative only on this page.
  • Considering the limited number of vouchers, the application order and assessment results will be decisive factors in the enrollment process.
  • According to the final enrollment results, you can join only one IT school and one educational course within the Tech Orda program.
  • This course is not available for EPAM employees. Feel free to contact your Resource Manager regarding other opportunities.
Cloud & DevOps with AI Tools (Tech Orda Voucher)
October 2024 · 29 weeks
Training · Online
Registration closed

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